Serving all of Louisiana and beyond!

Fencing Contractor
Gonzales, LA
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(225) 647-7367
Products / Services
Industrial Fencing

Amko Fence & steel company is a leader in the industrial fencing sector. We service hundreds of chemical plants and refineries in the industrial corridor along the Mississippi River and travel to other locations in LA, Texas and the Southeast to do the same. We can install any height or style fence in galvanized or colored systems.
With our gates, gate operators, access controls, Turnstiles, and crash products we can offer you full perimeter security at your industrial site. We work with engineering firms and industrial civil contractors to make your project a reality. We can meet whatever specifications your project requires. Weather it's ASTM, CLFMI, or PIP process industry practices specifications we can supply and install your project or repair!
Crash Products

Featured in powered and non-powered models Amko Fence & Steel company represents Hy-Security. Delta scientific, TyMetal and others crash products. These products give you the power to stop a truck in its tracks with little or no penetration. These products are being used to protect the Petrochemical industry, military, and governmental locations around the world. These products meet the government's current "K ratings" or the new "M ratings."

Amko Fence & Steel Co is a proud supplier of Alvarado and Boon Edam Turnstiles. We can install full height galvanized or powder coated colored turnstiles in your industrial, commercial, or governmental application. Full height turnstiles are a rugged, low-maintenance solution for the harshest outdoor conditions, acting as a deterrent against tailgating and unauthorized entry at your fence line. We also offer handicap gates installed in conjunction with turnstiles. We have installed these for numerous industrial facilities including NASA.
Our turnstiles can be installed permanently or temporarily for your turnaround or construction project!
Commercial Fencing

At Amko Fence & steel Co since 1976 , our team has the experience and is qualified in all aspects of commercial fence installation. We complete thousands of feet of commercial fencing every year and receive many referrals for our work. Our clients include municipalities, parks & recreation, schools, hospitals, and a wide-range of other commercial and industrial facilities.
We can provide any type of fencing you can think of or that is specified for your commercial project. Contact us for an estimate on your commercial fencing project.
Governmental / Military / Schools

Amko fence and steel company offers any and all products to meet your needs on governmental, military, or school projects.
We are the leading provider of fencing and access controls for numerous local school systems, which are the largest in the state of Louisiana. We install crashproof fences for military bases and oil refineries.
We service the National Guard at various locations on a regular basis, and we have also traveled to various United States military bases to perform installations. We can install any product specified for your governmental, military, or school project. The Hy-Security Strong Arm M30 has been a recent choice for perimeter protection in the governmental and petrochemical industry.
Automatic Gates & Access Controls

Electric Automatic gates have been a cornerstone of Amko Fence & Steel co.'s business since 1976. We have a long history of providing access control solutions for industrial clients from all industries. We have installed gate operators and access controls at airports, military bases, schools, chemical plants, and refineries. From meeting demanding requirements to getting you the best value possible for your purchasing dollar, we are committed to your success in everything we do. If you’re in the market for a new electronic gate, driveway security gate, gate opener, or other automatic access control system, we can help. All our installs are up to date with today's technology and meet the safety requirements of UL325.
Residential Fencing